Play-to-Earn (P2E)
Users pay an entry fee in Tokens for an opportunity to earn more Tokens for placing in the races.
NFT Holders:
Access to all game modes with all the available maps.
Automatic Qualification to the Monthy Tournament.
Earn more DinoShards and XP points on every game than non-NFT Holders.
Free access to an NFT Holder Battle Pass that includes 5 exclusive NFT cosmetics unlockables in addition to 15 non-NFT cosmetic unlockables.
Access to the in-game store to purchase skins, vehicles, battle passes, and other assets.
Non-NFT Holders:
Access to all game modes with all the available maps.
Qualify for the monthly tournament via qualification tournaments.
Win DinoShards and XP points on every game.
Access to the in-game store to purchase skins, vehicles, battle passes, and other assets.
Free access to a Non-NFT Holder Battle Pass that includes 15 non-NFT cosmetics unlockables.
Last updated